- Bio-Babas are the most veratile cloth nappy on the market as they can be used for everyday nappies, night nappies, swim nappies AND potty training...no other nappy offers this multi-function.
- An all-in-one product, so no separate timewasting procedures when fitting ie. dealing with a liner, then the nappy and THEN the waterproof - with Bio-Baba it is all fitted, with a flip out flap to get rid of the 'good stuff' (my favourite feature by the way!) Also this means that there are no hidden costs. I have found that many people are misled when they are choosing a cloth nappy, thinking that Bio-Babas seem more expensive. In reality, the converse is true…very often you may be tempted to purchase another brand of cloth nappy as they appear cheaper…the nappy itself may be cheaper, but then you will ALSO have to buy booster pads AND waterproofs to make it effective! Don’t be conned into thinking that you only need a few waterproofs either as, in my experience, you really do need a new one for each nappy change since even the tiniest bit of poo or wee is not very nice to put on with a ‘new’ nappy.
- Bio-Babas have 'smart-fit tabs' which protect the Velcro duringwashing so that it does not pick up lint, which is a real problem inother cloth nappies as the Velcro no longer sticks properly after awhile.
- The hemp used in the Bio-Babas does all the hard work of the nappy.So, instead of the waterproof doing the hard work (which it does inother cloth nappies), this pad absorbs all the wetness, wicking itaway from babies skin. Hemp is recognized as one of the world's strongest natural fibres - the more you wash it - the more absorbent it becomes! It also has anti-bacterial qualities and uses no pesticides in its growth. This means that you do not need to change the nappy nearly as much as when you are using a normal cloth nappy as hemp really is super absorbent - ie. fewer nappies
- In other cloth nappies, the moisture is 'locked in' by a thick PVCwaterproof...Bio-Baba has a breathable PUL outer, making it cooler for baby and less likely that bacteria will grow and cause a nappy rash.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Why are Bio-Babas better than other cloth nappies?
all-in-one nappies,
cloth nappy,
nappy rash,
smart-fit tabs
10 Good Reasons to choose Bio-Baba Nappies
1. Bio-Baba nappies are simply the best cloth nappy on the market – they are the only all-in-one nappies (nappy, liner and waterproof so no separate time-wasting procedures when fitting) which have wide-band Velcro for a snug fit; smart-fit tabs which stop the Velcro picking up lint during washing; multi-padding with hemp for super absorbency and breathable outers.
2. The hemp used in the removable ‘Booster Pad’ does all the hard work of the nappy. So, instead of the waterproof doing the hard work (which it does in other cloth nappies), this pad absorbs all the wetness, wicking it away from babies skin. Hemp is recognized as one of the world’s strongest natural fibres – the more you wash it – the more absorbent it becomes! It also has anti-bacterial qualities and uses no pesticides in its growth.
3. You will be saving a great deal of money - Considering that a baby will on average have 5,500 nappy changes, that equates to between R 12,000 and R 15,000. By using the Bio-Baba nappy you could easily save R10 000 (including water, electricity and detergent for washing). Invest the saving of at least R 7,500 for your child's future. By the time he/she reaches 18 years of age this amount would be worth over R 60,000.00 even if invested conservatively.
4. There are numerous health issues: the first is the use of Sodium polyacrylate gel can absorb 100 times its weight in liquid and makes for a very absorbent nappy! However, it has been linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome in tampon use and is no longer used in their manufacture. It is still used in disposables. Also, the lack of padding in disposable nappies is considered a hazard when baby is learning to walk and falling on his/her bottom on a regular basis. Some paediatric specialists believe that the increase in hip dysplasia and other spinal injuries is related to the lack of padding and support provided by disposables. Extra padding in the Bio-Baba nappies reduces this risk.
5. The Environment – considering that each child has at least 5 500 nappy changes resulting in 350 million disposable nappies being thrown away in South Africa a year…by choosing an eco-friendly alternative you are consciously looking after the environment in our home country and making choices that are ensuring a future for your children....the Bio-Baba nappy is a 21st Century product for forward thinking parents.
6. We are our children’s teachers – Aristotle said “The habits we form from childhood make no small difference, but rather make all the difference”. You are sending a positive message to your children by teaching them to respect the planet and not to litter it with disposables that will take 500 years to decompose.
7. Comfort - The Bio-Baba nappy is extremely comfortable. You will simply not find a better cloth nappy; they have been specifically designed to wick moisture away from the babies’ skin, meaning that even though the baby may have an extremely wet nappy, the baby itself is dry. Moreover, careful fabric choices such as soft 100% cotton, hemp with anti-bacterial qualities and breathable outers have been used to ensure maximum comfort. The breathable outer also ensures that when baby needs to be changed – mum will know.
8.Toilet Training - children in real nappies DO toilet train, on average, around 6 months earlier than their peers in disposables: a child in real nappies knows when they are wet, and so makes the connection between bladder release and a wet nappy. It is this which is the vital first step in toilet training. Bio-Baba nappies are excellent nappies for potty training.
9. Like all Acorn products, Bio-Baba nappies come in fun bright primary colours; Red, Blue and Yellow as well as a white. The best teaching moments are ones that aren’t planned – choosing a different colour nappy is a great way for toddlers to get to grips with their colours.
10. Employment – one of the biggest problems faced by South Africa today is a lack of employment. We often have highly skilled, highly educated people unable to find work. Bio-Baba nappies provide work for the communities of Grassy Park, Lotus River, Athlone and Bonteheuwel. They are not cheap imports and are made with the finest quality South African fabrics.
1. Bio-Baba nappies are simply the best cloth nappy on the market – they are the only all-in-one nappies (nappy, liner and waterproof so no separate time-wasting procedures when fitting) which have wide-band Velcro for a snug fit; smart-fit tabs which stop the Velcro picking up lint during washing; multi-padding with hemp for super absorbency and breathable outers.
2. The hemp used in the removable ‘Booster Pad’ does all the hard work of the nappy. So, instead of the waterproof doing the hard work (which it does in other cloth nappies), this pad absorbs all the wetness, wicking it away from babies skin. Hemp is recognized as one of the world’s strongest natural fibres – the more you wash it – the more absorbent it becomes! It also has anti-bacterial qualities and uses no pesticides in its growth.
3. You will be saving a great deal of money - Considering that a baby will on average have 5,500 nappy changes, that equates to between R 12,000 and R 15,000. By using the Bio-Baba nappy you could easily save R10 000 (including water, electricity and detergent for washing). Invest the saving of at least R 7,500 for your child's future. By the time he/she reaches 18 years of age this amount would be worth over R 60,000.00 even if invested conservatively.
4. There are numerous health issues: the first is the use of Sodium polyacrylate gel can absorb 100 times its weight in liquid and makes for a very absorbent nappy! However, it has been linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome in tampon use and is no longer used in their manufacture. It is still used in disposables. Also, the lack of padding in disposable nappies is considered a hazard when baby is learning to walk and falling on his/her bottom on a regular basis. Some paediatric specialists believe that the increase in hip dysplasia and other spinal injuries is related to the lack of padding and support provided by disposables. Extra padding in the Bio-Baba nappies reduces this risk.
5. The Environment – considering that each child has at least 5 500 nappy changes resulting in 350 million disposable nappies being thrown away in South Africa a year…by choosing an eco-friendly alternative you are consciously looking after the environment in our home country and making choices that are ensuring a future for your children....the Bio-Baba nappy is a 21st Century product for forward thinking parents.
6. We are our children’s teachers – Aristotle said “The habits we form from childhood make no small difference, but rather make all the difference”. You are sending a positive message to your children by teaching them to respect the planet and not to litter it with disposables that will take 500 years to decompose.
7. Comfort - The Bio-Baba nappy is extremely comfortable. You will simply not find a better cloth nappy; they have been specifically designed to wick moisture away from the babies’ skin, meaning that even though the baby may have an extremely wet nappy, the baby itself is dry. Moreover, careful fabric choices such as soft 100% cotton, hemp with anti-bacterial qualities and breathable outers have been used to ensure maximum comfort. The breathable outer also ensures that when baby needs to be changed – mum will know.
8.Toilet Training - children in real nappies DO toilet train, on average, around 6 months earlier than their peers in disposables: a child in real nappies knows when they are wet, and so makes the connection between bladder release and a wet nappy. It is this which is the vital first step in toilet training. Bio-Baba nappies are excellent nappies for potty training.
9. Like all Acorn products, Bio-Baba nappies come in fun bright primary colours; Red, Blue and Yellow as well as a white. The best teaching moments are ones that aren’t planned – choosing a different colour nappy is a great way for toddlers to get to grips with their colours.
10. Employment – one of the biggest problems faced by South Africa today is a lack of employment. We often have highly skilled, highly educated people unable to find work. Bio-Baba nappies provide work for the communities of Grassy Park, Lotus River, Athlone and Bonteheuwel. They are not cheap imports and are made with the finest quality South African fabrics.
Bio-Baba Fitting Instructions

Bio-Baba nappies are the coolest all-in-one nappy that come in a range of fun bright colours as well as the more conventional white… Limited Stock available of Orange & Green Nappies
As Bio-Babas are all-in-one nappies (nappy, liner and waterproof) there is no separate time-wasting procedures when fitting. Other clever features include: wide-band Velcro for a snug fit; smart-fit tabs which stop the Velcro picking up lint during washing; multi-padding with hemp for super absorbency and breathable outers.
A closer look at fitting a Bio-Baba…

Fold Super-Absorbent Hemp Booster Pad into the
As Bio-Babas are all-in-one nappies (nappy, liner and waterproof) there is no separate time-wasting procedures when fitting. Other clever features include: wide-band Velcro for a snug fit; smart-fit tabs which stop the Velcro picking up lint during washing; multi-padding with hemp for super absorbency and breathable outers.
A closer look at fitting a Bio-Baba…

Fold Super-Absorbent Hemp Booster Pad into the
‘Famous “V” Fold’.
Place the Hemp Booster in the nappy underneath the flip-out-flap…the primary function of the flap is to catch any poo which can then be easily flipped into the toilet and flushed before soaking. Folding the pad in this way means that the pad has double absorbency where the baby is weeing and then extra protection from leaks along the legs.

· Bio-Baba nappies are so simple to use that once you get the hang of fitting them to your baby you won’t look back…you will also be doing your baby, your finances and the environment a huge favour.
· If you are privileged to have a washing machine (and domestic help) – there really is no reason not to include these fabulous nappies in your nappy routine.
all-in-one nappies,
The Bio-Baba Story
On discovering I was pregnant for the first time, I immediately decided that a few things had to change! The first was to give up smoking which was surprisingly easy; to give up a stable job and move to the suburbs was not as straightforward. After working as an editor of travel, investment and mining publications as well as three years as the Regional Marketing Manager for a large systems integration firm, and briefly in PR, I had my feet firmly entrenched in ‘the corporate world’. Our house was conveniently close to Cape Town city centre and was a lock-up and go…with no real garden to speak of. What garden there was tumbled onto the street which was frequently lined with rubbish and beggars. Not for MY baby!
We started looking for a house that was in a cleaner suburb, with some space for a toddler to run and play in a garden. Needless to say we only found something suitable and moved in a month before giving birth! I also resigned from my job and so did my husband! He had been teaching in town in various language schools, but it was now time to put down roots and ‘get serious’ about starting his own company. This was very scary, but paid off as he now has his own successful translating business – and he works from home which is fantastic for the kids.
I was more than content not to have to go to work and just stay home with baby, but after a few months I found myself needing something a little more than nappies to talk about. Ironically, this was not meant to be!
When I first started using nappies in 2002 after the birth of my son Hugo, the only alternative on the South African market to ‘disposables’ was the ‘Terri nappy’, which is the one that you have to fold, use a safety pin and a plastic waterproof with. This just seemed so ‘old-fashioned’ and far too much effort.
I had seen fitted nappies from friends who had bought them overseas (where they are readily available and hugely popular) and wondered why there was nothing like it on the South African market. That is when the ‘project’ started! I called a friend who is a dress maker and gave her a pattern to make up some samples which were duly tested on my son. Each month the design would change, the layers and types of fabric would alter – this was real trial and error!
Working for yourself is not easy, especially in a field that you have no previous knowledge. If someone had told me 5 years ago that my life’s work would be to ‘design, manufacture and distribute eco-friendly nappies as an alternative to disposables’ I would have laughed hard and dismissed the idea as ludicrous! However, the amount of time and work I had put into my ‘project’ meant that, above all, I had to take myself seriously. That is why I sought out the guidance of the folk at the Umsobomvu Youth Fund.
The fund was established by the government in an attempt to address the youth unemployment challenge in South Africa and, through its Voucher Programme, help with business plan development. This was an essential part of getting my business off the ground…an idea is one thing…making it a viable business venture is another kettle of fish entirely!
At the end of 2004 I did my first production run in a factory with ladies I had trained in Grassy Park…after nearly having a nervous break-down I went on the Christmas holidays with family in Durban. Then the most truly awful thing happened, on Boxing Day of 2004, a tsunami, of unimaginable proportions struck the countries of South East Asia. Unfortunately, my brother Justin and his fiancée Seda were holidaying on the Thai island of Phi Phi at the time, needless to say, neither of them survived. Seda’s body was recently identified by an unusual tattoo on her shoulder; nearly 2 years after the event. She was repatriated to Turkey and buried just before Christmas 2006.
Much of the early part of 2005 was spent in mourning and travelling around the world attending memorial services in Justin’s honour. During this time I met many truly amazing people who were united in their grief for loved ones. They also all shared a common philosophy, and that is that ‘The planet is in crisis ’.
A human tragedy and natural disaster of this scale is an enormously humbling thing and made me acutely aware of how interconnected we are, and just how fragile the planet is. On returning from Zimbabwe in June of 2005, I was resolved that my passion for raising awareness of the environmental impact of disposable nappies was no accident and set about thinking of ways to ‘get the message across’ to the largest number of people, in the shortest possible time.
It was then that I came across a wonderful company called Acorn International– who had products that were natural and ‘Created with love in South Africa’! This ethos was integral in my decision to approach Acorn as part of my intention when I started out was to ‘think and act local’; a great moral boost for me is that I now provide work for people from the communities of Grassy Park, Lotus River, Athlone, Bonteheuwel and Hanover Park.
The Acorn Brand was established by Richard Sletcher in 2004 in order to provide a viable business for stay-at-home moms. Cool! Here was a company that also wanted to help with the unemployment problem as well as having an ethical approach towards its products and ingredients! For example, - the Acorn Babes range (of which Bio-Baba nappies are now a part) uses no petroleum based products, but uses Saflower oil instead. Acorn provides great support to its members in the form of training workshops, dvd’s as well as a highly effective web based information management system. This support has been a ‘God-send’.
My business is my way of honouring my brother’s life. I believe that Bio-Baba nappies are the best alternative to the billions of disposable nappies dumped each year (making disposable nappies one of the biggest waste contributors on the planet). I do not want my children to grow up in a waste land. I consol myself after a sleepless night of looking after a teething baby and a 4 year old who wakes up just to be ‘part of the action’ that I am ‘doing my bit’ to ensure that South Africa does not become one!
In February 2006, I was blessed with another baby boy, Todd Niran Clarke… ‘Niran’ is a Thai name meaning ‘Eternal’), and have been supported through all the hard times with love and infinite patience by my husband Greg.
Last year was incredibly difficult for my whole family, but in the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury, in a memorial at St. Paul’s Cathedral last year “love can continue to grow, even on the soil of the worst pain and the deepest doubt”...this is so true of life, and of business too. If you love what you do, and believe in it – it will grow into something meaningful.
We started looking for a house that was in a cleaner suburb, with some space for a toddler to run and play in a garden. Needless to say we only found something suitable and moved in a month before giving birth! I also resigned from my job and so did my husband! He had been teaching in town in various language schools, but it was now time to put down roots and ‘get serious’ about starting his own company. This was very scary, but paid off as he now has his own successful translating business – and he works from home which is fantastic for the kids.
I was more than content not to have to go to work and just stay home with baby, but after a few months I found myself needing something a little more than nappies to talk about. Ironically, this was not meant to be!
When I first started using nappies in 2002 after the birth of my son Hugo, the only alternative on the South African market to ‘disposables’ was the ‘Terri nappy’, which is the one that you have to fold, use a safety pin and a plastic waterproof with. This just seemed so ‘old-fashioned’ and far too much effort.
I had seen fitted nappies from friends who had bought them overseas (where they are readily available and hugely popular) and wondered why there was nothing like it on the South African market. That is when the ‘project’ started! I called a friend who is a dress maker and gave her a pattern to make up some samples which were duly tested on my son. Each month the design would change, the layers and types of fabric would alter – this was real trial and error!
Working for yourself is not easy, especially in a field that you have no previous knowledge. If someone had told me 5 years ago that my life’s work would be to ‘design, manufacture and distribute eco-friendly nappies as an alternative to disposables’ I would have laughed hard and dismissed the idea as ludicrous! However, the amount of time and work I had put into my ‘project’ meant that, above all, I had to take myself seriously. That is why I sought out the guidance of the folk at the Umsobomvu Youth Fund.
The fund was established by the government in an attempt to address the youth unemployment challenge in South Africa and, through its Voucher Programme, help with business plan development. This was an essential part of getting my business off the ground…an idea is one thing…making it a viable business venture is another kettle of fish entirely!
At the end of 2004 I did my first production run in a factory with ladies I had trained in Grassy Park…after nearly having a nervous break-down I went on the Christmas holidays with family in Durban. Then the most truly awful thing happened, on Boxing Day of 2004, a tsunami, of unimaginable proportions struck the countries of South East Asia. Unfortunately, my brother Justin and his fiancée Seda were holidaying on the Thai island of Phi Phi at the time, needless to say, neither of them survived. Seda’s body was recently identified by an unusual tattoo on her shoulder; nearly 2 years after the event. She was repatriated to Turkey and buried just before Christmas 2006.
Much of the early part of 2005 was spent in mourning and travelling around the world attending memorial services in Justin’s honour. During this time I met many truly amazing people who were united in their grief for loved ones. They also all shared a common philosophy, and that is that ‘The planet is in crisis ’.
A human tragedy and natural disaster of this scale is an enormously humbling thing and made me acutely aware of how interconnected we are, and just how fragile the planet is. On returning from Zimbabwe in June of 2005, I was resolved that my passion for raising awareness of the environmental impact of disposable nappies was no accident and set about thinking of ways to ‘get the message across’ to the largest number of people, in the shortest possible time.
It was then that I came across a wonderful company called Acorn International– who had products that were natural and ‘Created with love in South Africa’! This ethos was integral in my decision to approach Acorn as part of my intention when I started out was to ‘think and act local’; a great moral boost for me is that I now provide work for people from the communities of Grassy Park, Lotus River, Athlone, Bonteheuwel and Hanover Park.
The Acorn Brand was established by Richard Sletcher in 2004 in order to provide a viable business for stay-at-home moms. Cool! Here was a company that also wanted to help with the unemployment problem as well as having an ethical approach towards its products and ingredients! For example, - the Acorn Babes range (of which Bio-Baba nappies are now a part) uses no petroleum based products, but uses Saflower oil instead. Acorn provides great support to its members in the form of training workshops, dvd’s as well as a highly effective web based information management system. This support has been a ‘God-send’.
My business is my way of honouring my brother’s life. I believe that Bio-Baba nappies are the best alternative to the billions of disposable nappies dumped each year (making disposable nappies one of the biggest waste contributors on the planet). I do not want my children to grow up in a waste land. I consol myself after a sleepless night of looking after a teething baby and a 4 year old who wakes up just to be ‘part of the action’ that I am ‘doing my bit’ to ensure that South Africa does not become one!
In February 2006, I was blessed with another baby boy, Todd Niran Clarke… ‘Niran’ is a Thai name meaning ‘Eternal’), and have been supported through all the hard times with love and infinite patience by my husband Greg.
Last year was incredibly difficult for my whole family, but in the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury, in a memorial at St. Paul’s Cathedral last year “love can continue to grow, even on the soil of the worst pain and the deepest doubt”...this is so true of life, and of business too. If you love what you do, and believe in it – it will grow into something meaningful.
South Africa
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