Bio-Baba nappies are the coolest all-in-one nappy that come in a range of fun bright colours as well as the more conventional white… Limited Stock available of Orange & Green Nappies
As Bio-Babas are all-in-one nappies (nappy, liner and waterproof) there is no separate time-wasting procedures when fitting. Other clever features include: wide-band Velcro for a snug fit; smart-fit tabs which stop the Velcro picking up lint during washing; multi-padding with hemp for super absorbency and breathable outers.
A closer look at fitting a Bio-Baba…

Fold Super-Absorbent Hemp Booster Pad into the
As Bio-Babas are all-in-one nappies (nappy, liner and waterproof) there is no separate time-wasting procedures when fitting. Other clever features include: wide-band Velcro for a snug fit; smart-fit tabs which stop the Velcro picking up lint during washing; multi-padding with hemp for super absorbency and breathable outers.
A closer look at fitting a Bio-Baba…

Fold Super-Absorbent Hemp Booster Pad into the
‘Famous “V” Fold’.
Place the Hemp Booster in the nappy underneath the flip-out-flap…the primary function of the flap is to catch any poo which can then be easily flipped into the toilet and flushed before soaking. Folding the pad in this way means that the pad has double absorbency where the baby is weeing and then extra protection from leaks along the legs.

· Bio-Baba nappies are so simple to use that once you get the hang of fitting them to your baby you won’t look back…you will also be doing your baby, your finances and the environment a huge favour.
· If you are privileged to have a washing machine (and domestic help) – there really is no reason not to include these fabulous nappies in your nappy routine.