Are our cellphones & wireless devices increasing autism in children?
A few years ago, when the vaccination - autism link was a big point of discussion, I really wanted to find out more...
The National Autistic Society in the UK estimates that there are approx. 518 000 people with a condition somewhere along the autistic spectrum; this translates into 1 in 100 people in Britain with a disease which was, before 1940 virtually unheard of.
Vaccinations seemed to be a convenient scape-goat due to some of the heavy metal content in some vaccines, but much testing has revealed that this can not be the ONLY part of the picture. I mean we all had the mercury laden vaccinations and lead fillings in our teeth and didn’t all develop autistic type behaviour! So, what has changed?
One thing is clear; things are very different from when we were children as far as chemical toxicity is concerned…Today’s baby is exposed to exposed live or killed ‘weakened’ pathogens virtually as soon as they are born. Each vaccine is a complex brew of chemicals: thimerosal, derived from mercury; formalin, a dilution of formaldehyde, a known carcinogen; aluminium sulphate, a toxic heavy metal; phenol, a disinfectant; ethylene glycol, the main ingredient in antifreeze; benzethonium chloride, an antiseptic; and methylparaben, a preservative and antifungal which help preserve, purify and stabilise and nudge the jabs into working harder. If you adhere to the complete vaccination schedule, you will be vaccinating your child up to 30 times before his/her fifth birthday; a good number of these before they are two months old…not to mention all the terrible new chemicals that surround us in our modern homes, air, water, food and indeed, in virtually every product we use in our modern lives.
The link between cell phone and electromagnetic radiation and autism...
With all the chemicals and harmful toxins in our environment, the young foetus/babies’ immune system is required to work overtime to expel these toxins in order to avoid cell and neurological damage. This is obviously not happening and researchers are now turning to cell phones and other electromagnetic radiation for answers. Research by Tamara Mariea, CCN and George Carlo, M.D has indicated a correlation and higher risk for autism and other behaviours and attention deficit disorders with the rise in use of cell phones and wireless computers.
The basic premise of the research is that cell electromagnetic radiation radically (EMR) reduces the body’s ability to emit toxins through the cell walls with a resultant toxic overload. This risk is especially heightened in small babies bombarded with vaccinations and surrounded by a myriad of other noxious chemicals.
In testing their theory, Mariea and Carlo took a boy with severe autism whose parents had for 7 years tried a variety of treatments, including chelation therapy. (using chelating agents to remove heavy metals from the body) They formulated a radical intervention programme designed to remove as many pollutants from the boys environment as possible as well as removed all mobiles, wireless devices and shielded all electrical equipment.
"As the boy was exposed to the EM-free environments, his hair and stool analysis began to show heavy metals being excreted from his body. His autistic condition was also considerably improved: from having only been able to utter the words 'yes and 'no', he now began to speak. "the noise has gone from my head", he said to his parents."
(WDDTY vol 18 no9 pg.8)
I find this research fascinating, especially since it is such an under-discussed topic in relation to pregnancy and babies.
How often do you see pregnant mums with their cellphones in their back pocket or strapped into the baby wrap? How often do we use wireless laptops on top of our 'bumps'? Do you sleep with your cellphone in your room next to your bed as an 'alarm clock'? Does your child's room have electronic devices in? Do you have a wireless telephone at home?
Having run Bio-Baba for the last 7 years and met thousands of pregnant women and new mums, I have realised that they all have one thing in common...the quest for information about how best to raise their children. I believe that by giving mums information on the waste caused by disposable nappies; the chemicals they contain and how much it will cost their family empowers them to make an informed decision. It is not necessarily 'the norm' to use a cloth nappy in South Africa or to question the effect of electromagnetic radiation on our unborn children and babies/kids, but it doesn't mean that it is not important; by asking questions and not just 'going with the flow' I believe we will all be in a greater position to make better choices for future generations.
Keep warm - remember babies love having a nice toasty cloth nappy put on when it is cold...put one face down on a heater for 5mins whilst they are in their bath!
Until next time...
Kind regards
Vicki Penfold